Pleasured by the English Spy

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Содержание книги - Pleasured by the English Spy Bronwyn Scott

Pleasured by the English Spy - описание и краткое содержание, автор Bronwyn Scott, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

English spy Andrew Truesdale has been sent to Florence on a mission–to befriend widowed contessa Olivia di Montebaldi and discover if she's plotting a nationalist revolution in the aftermath of Napoleon's defeat.Andrew expects the assignment to be easy. After all, his job with the British Diplomatic Corps required him to perfect the art of flirtation and become a consummate seducer of women. Everything changes, however, when he arrives at Olivia's villa. Instead of the middle-aged woman he expects, Andrew finds a vivacious young beauty who piques his interest. . . and his lust.But while Andrew may be taken aback by the contessa, Olivia knows exactly who Andrew is. . . and that he is dangerous. She may let him claim her body, but can she trust him with her secrets?

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