Her Sexy Marine Valentine

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Содержание книги - Her Sexy Marine Valentine Candace Havens

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A Sexy Marine Neighbor?Hoorah!The sight of the gorgeous, ripped military man across the street heats Mari McGuire from head to toe—and a whole lot in between. Yes, sir, she definitely has a case of Hot Marine Syndrome. And when First Lieutenant Brody Williams rescues her from an awkward run-in with her ex by pretending to be her boyfriend, Mari can confirm she's got it bad…Of course, they're friends first, and friends help each other out. Mari needs a hand renovating the old Victorian house she just bought and Brody needs a girlfriend to secure his promotion. It's the perfect temporary arrangement—and then there's the sizzling chemistry. It's wickedly racy. It's addictive. But neither of them expects Cupid's arrow to aim for their hearts!

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