That Wild Night: Waking Up Pregnant / The Best Mistake of Her Life

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Содержание книги - That Wild Night: Waking Up Pregnant / The Best Mistake of Her Life Aimee Carson, Mira Lyn Kelly

That Wild Night: Waking Up Pregnant / The Best Mistake of Her Life - описание и краткое содержание, автор Aimee Carson, Mira Lyn Kelly, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Two fun, sexy stories in one volume for the first time! What happens when one really wild night has unexpected consequences?Waking Up Pregnant by Mira Lyn KellyDarcy Penn is the sensible type–flirting with the cute guy in the bar isn't her usual style. As for ending up in his hotel room? Definitely not! Sneaking out to avoid the post-sex awkwardness? Much more like it… Only their night together results in more than just a walk of shame….The Best Mistake of Her Life by Aimee CarsonKate's high school reunion is looming. She can't miss it, but no way is she going solo! She turns to hotshot stuntman Memphis James for help, even if he's a living reminder of her biggest secret. Except Kate's not sure what to do with the still sizzling chemistry–run in the opposite direction, or fall into the wildest fling of her life!

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