A Secret Worth Keeping?: Living the Charade / Her Shameful Secret / Island of Secrets

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Содержание книги - A Secret Worth Keeping?: Living the Charade / Her Shameful Secret / Island of Secrets Robyn Donald, Michelle Conder, Susanna Carr

A Secret Worth Keeping?: Living the Charade / Her Shameful Secret / Island of Secrets - описание и краткое содержание, автор Robyn Donald, Michelle Conder, Susanna Carr, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Living the Charade by Michelle CondorMiller Jacobs knows that professional success doesn’t always come easy. When she needs a fake boyfriend for a weekend away with her boss, Valentino Ventura comes to her rescue—but there’s no controlling this maverick of the motor racing world!Her Shameful Secret by Susanna CarrIsabella Williams would know recognise that proud swagger anywhere. After months of hiding, Antonio Rossi has found her! The cravings come flooding back, and with them the taste of regret…for her mistake means she'll never kiss his lips again.Island of Secrets by Robyn DonaldThe only way Luc MacAllister can claim his inheritance is to spend six months on a Pacific island with his stepfather’s alleged mistress. Luc knows he should keep Joanna Forman at arm’s length, but resisting the green-eyed beauty soon becomes impossible…

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