Protecting the Pregnant Witness

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Содержание книги - Protecting the Pregnant Witness Julie Miller

Protecting the Pregnant Witness - описание и краткое содержание, автор Julie Miller, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A ruthless killer…an expectant mother…one determined cop.Rafe Delgado had been there for Josie Nichols her entire life. So when he turned to her one night, emotionally drained thanks to a heartbreaking case, her longtime crush on the brooding cop reached a whole new level. But afterward, Rafe went back to being untouchable and Josie didn't know how to break through his shell…even to tell him she was pregnant.Everything Rafe did was by the book and so his moment of weakness could never be repeated. He didn't deserve someone like Josie.even if it was a daily struggle to keep his hands off her. But learning she could ID a coldblooded killer changed everything. Now she was in his protective custody and caring about her only made his job harder. And learning about his unborn child made it nearly impossible.

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