Under Suspicion, With Child

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Содержание книги - Under Suspicion, With Child Elle James

Under Suspicion, With Child - описание и краткое содержание, автор Elle James, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

His mission: capture the killer who ruined his life As a cop, Andrei’s job was to bring to justice the man who’d murdered his sister. And the return of a pregnant Jocelyne Baker to Raven’s Cliff was a distraction he couldn’t afford. His distraction: one very secretive pregnant beautyYet the moment her life – and that of her unborn child – was threatened, he insisted on becoming her personal bodyguard. Getting close to Jocelyne awakened a desire that pushed aside his pain. But her wary attitude suggested she had a dark past of her own…THE CURSE OF RAVEN’S CLIFF – A small town with sinister secrets…

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