Savor the Danger

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Содержание книги - Savor the Danger Lori Foster

Savor the Danger - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lori Foster, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The one woman he couldn’t have was the only woman he desired… She may be aloof, and more pretty than gorgeous, but Alani Rivers is the kind of woman a hot-blooded mercenary can’t forget, no matter how hard he tries. So when Jackson Savor wakes up next to the naked, sleeping beauty—with no memory of what happened—he knows he’s been drugged…even if Alani doesn’t.After she was kidnapped, Alani swore she’d never trust another man again. Still, something about this strong, sexy hero with the tender touch makes her want to believe him. As Jackson hunts downs a mysterious intruder, he swears he’ll move heaven and earth to keep Alani safe. But what really happened that night? And will the truth bring them closer than they ever thought possible—or put Alani squarely in harm’s way again?"Lori Foster delivers the good." —Publishers WeeklyDon’t miss more smoldering tales of men who walk the edge of honor

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