Unlaced At Christmas: The Christmas Duchess / Russian Winter Nights / A Shocking Proposition

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Содержание книги - Unlaced At Christmas: The Christmas Duchess / Russian Winter Nights / A Shocking Proposition Elizabeth Rolls, Christine Merrill, Linda Skye

Unlaced At Christmas: The Christmas Duchess / Russian Winter Nights / A Shocking Proposition - описание и краткое содержание, автор Elizabeth Rolls, Christine Merrill, Linda Skye, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Christmas wishes can come true!The Christmas DuchessHer daughter recently jilted, widowed Generva feels anything but festive – until the unexpected arrival of Thomas Kanner, Duke of Montford, transforms the household. Might there be a Christmas wedding after all?Russian Winter NightsRussian princess Ekaterina Romanova sees through the gilded façade of the Winter Court. An intimate encounter with Andrey Kvasov offers a moment of escape and soon this yuletide brings the promise of something thrilling… and forbidden. A Shocking PropositionMadeleine Kirkby must be married before Twelfth Night – or forfeit her family estate. After a chance encounter with the man she lost her heart to years ago, she has the perfect prospective husband in mind!

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