Made For The Rancher

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Содержание книги - Made For The Rancher Rebecca Winters

Made For The Rancher - описание и краткое содержание, автор Rebecca Winters, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

FATE ON SAPPHIRE MOUNTAIN…Jasmine Telford had just told her boyfriend she couldn't marry him when their small plane crashes into the Sapphire Mountains of Montana. Miraculously, no one is seriously hurt. Instead, it's the tall, gorgeous cowboy who comes to Jasmine's rescue who leaves a dramatic, very emotional impression. But Wymon Clayton is quickly becoming more than just a hero to her…Wymon's attraction to Jasmine is like nothing he's ever felt. He should know better—sophisticated women rarely long for the simple ranching life. Yet he can't resist the beauty of her green eyes, her warmth, or how she always says something unexpected. Now Wymon's falling head over spurs for a woman who is clearly made for him… if he can trust her not to break his heart.

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