Just Like A Cowboy

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Содержание книги - Just Like A Cowboy Delores Fossen

Just Like A Cowboy - описание и краткое содержание, автор Delores Fossen, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

A bad boy bull rider comes back to Wrangler’s Creek to claim his ranch…and win back the woman who still owns his heart.Inheriting his uncle's ranch is a dream come true for Wynn Beck—until he discovers that half the property belongs to his ex-wife. Carlene has been running the place for years, and claims she doesn’t want Wynn anywhere near it. But Wynn senses she too feels the intense pull that reminds him how well they fit together…in every way.Their scalding hot marriage fizzled when Carlene realized Wynn was more interested in winning a rodeo buckle than putting down roots. Now, she intends to protect her home—and her still-fragile heart—by buying Wynn out. Too bad the man’s as stubborn as the bulls he rides. And that their cooled romance can quickly heat right back up when it’s with the right cowboy…

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