Innocent In The Boardroom: At Her Boss's Pleasure / Her Boss by Day... / How to Sleep with the Boss

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Содержание книги - Innocent In The Boardroom: At Her Boss's Pleasure / Her Boss by Day... / How to Sleep with the Boss Janice Maynard, Joss Wood, CATHY WILLIAMS

Innocent In The Boardroom: At Her Boss's Pleasure / Her Boss by Day... / How to Sleep with the Boss - описание и краткое содержание, автор Janice Maynard, Joss Wood, CATHY WILLIAMS, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

At Her Boss’s Pleasure by Cathy Williams Notorious billionaire boss Alessandro Preda is intrigued by virginal Kate. He’s used to women flaunting themselves – not trying to avoid him! He will relish unleashing the volcano of sensuality he senses within her. Yet neither is prepared for what happens when one pleasurable night is nowhere near enough…Her Boss by Day… by Joss Wood When international fitness tycoon Rob Hanson needs a new accountant Willa Moore-Fisher can’t believe her luck. There’s just one problem: she already knows her new boss… intimately! Soon, brooding bachelor Rob finds himself wondering if he should make his new temp a more permanent fixture in his life!How to Sleep with the Boss by Janice Maynard Libby Parkhurst is out of options. So she accepts Patrick Kavanagh’s job offer – even though he’s only given it at his mother’s request. He may not want her in his office. But taking her to bed? He’s making that his top priority!

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