Because Of A Girl

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Содержание книги - Because Of A Girl Janice Kay Johnson

Because Of A Girl - описание и краткое содержание, автор Janice Kay Johnson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

If they hadn't lost the girl, Meg wouldn't have found Jack…She hadn't hesitated to take in Sabra, her daughter's pregnant best friend. Yet maybe that was Meg Harper's first mistake. It was hard enough raising one teen, but two? And now the girl has disappeared. Because Meg’s the responsible adult, police suspicion falls on her. Which brings her entirely too close to Detective Jack Moore. The man's clearly attracted to her, but she hasn't been in a relationship in years and she doesn't even remember how to begin. Her past is…complicated. One thing she does know: she absolutely doesn't want Jack to be her second mistake. Her heart couldn't take it.

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