Back Against The Wall

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Содержание книги - Back Against The Wall Janice Kay Johnson

Back Against The Wall - описание и краткое содержание, автор Janice Kay Johnson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

What she doesn't know could cost her her life…It’s upsetting enough to find a body walled up in the garage of her childhood home…but then for Detective Tony Navarro to suggest the remains might belong to her mother! Beth Marshall and her siblings thought their mom had abandoned the family years ago. If she hadn’t…if she was murdered… And now the sexy police detective believes their father is the killer. He enlists Beth to help him find clues he suspects are in her father’s garage. What neither of them realize is that the clues are really in Beth’s subconscious. Juggling family, loss and their growing attraction–everything loses its importance when the killer gets Beth alone…

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