City of Night

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Содержание книги - City of Night Dean Koontz

City of Night - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dean Koontz, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Frankenstein story is updated to the 21st century by the great American storyteller Dean Koontz. Now someone new is playing god.They are stronger, heal better and think faster than any humans ever created – and they must be destroyed. But not even Victor Helios can stop the engineered killers he has set loose on a reign of terror through modern-day New Orleans.The mad genius had not imagined that his creations would develop minds – and purposes – of their own. And as Deucalion and Detectives O'Connor and Maddison race to uncover an age-old conspiracy, they will discover that Victor's new, improved models have infiltrated every level of New Orleans society … and far beyond.Dean Koontz, the master storyteller, creates a bold new legend.

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