Dark Sky

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Содержание книги - Dark Sky Carla Neggers

Dark Sky - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carla Neggers, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Deputy U.S. Marshal Juliet Longstreet has made her share of enemies, and now one of them is out of prison and threatening to kill her. Her mission: find him first.But hot on her suspect's trail is Special Forces officer Ethan Brooker, who has a way of dropping into Juliet's life without warning. Haunted by his wife's death, Ethan is a man Juliet knows she should avoid. And now he's focused on a related mission of his own and can't–or won't–give Juliet any details.When she finds her doorman dead and her New York apartment ransacked, Juliet tracks down Ethan–this time she wants answers. They agree to team up, and as they fight their growing attraction to each other, their race to stop a ruthless killer takes them north to Juliet's family in Vermont…and into the heart of a dangerous web of lies, greed, deceit–and murder.

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