Saint's Gate

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Содержание книги - Saint's Gate Carla Neggers

Saint's Gate - описание и краткое содержание, автор Carla Neggers, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Caught at the crossroads of Art and Murder New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers is widely acclaimed as a master of atmospheric romantic suspense.Now she returns with an engrossing tale of two people isolated by their pasts, and the obsessive killer who will force them together. When Emma Sharpe is summoned to a convent on the Maine coast, it’s partly for her art crimes work with the FBI, partly because of her past with the religious order.At issue is a mysterious painting depicting scenes of Irish lore and Viking legends, and her family’s connection to the work. But when the nun who contacted her is murdered, it seems legend is becoming deadly reality. Colin Donovan is one of the FBI's most valuable assets—a deep-cover agent who prefers to go it alone.He's back home in Maine after wrapping up his latest mission, but his friend Father Bracken presents him with an intrigue of murder, international art heists and a convent's long-held secrets that is too tempting to resist.As the danger spirals ever closer, Colin is certain of only one thing—the very interesting Emma Sharpe is at the center of it all. A ruthless killer has Emma and Colin in the crosshairs, plunging them into a race against time and drawing them deeper into a twisted legacy of betrayal and deceit.

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