The Ghost Of Girolamo Riario

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Содержание книги - The Ghost Of Girolamo Riario Ivo Ragazzini

The Ghost Of Girolamo Riario - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ivo Ragazzini, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The book is a historical novel born from a fact that really happened in 2010 in Italy, when some people told in the chronicles of local newspapers, that they saw a ghost in the town hall of Forlì, who was walking around with part of his head smashed, complaining. They also recounted the strangeness of having seen him hanging outside the wall of that building, near a window on the first floor, as if he was dancing suspended in thin air. But who was that ghost? What was he doing in that place? Why was his head bashed in? Who did he look like that? What was he complaining about? This book tells the story of a man called Girolamo Riario, nephew of Pope Sixtus IV, who was murdered over five centuries ago in the city of Forli, but few or no one seems to remember him. Sometimes the past comes back. This is an italian historical novel born from a fact really happened in 2010 in Forlì, north Italy, when some people told in the local chronicles, they saw a ghost in the old town hall, who was walking around with part of his head smashed, complaining about something. This book tells the story of a man called Girolamo Riario, first husband of Caterina Sforza, who was murdered over five centuries ago in the city of Forli for an aftermath with the Pazzi’s conspiracy, and seems resurge from the past but no one seems to remember it. Get ready to discover secrets of the Italian Renaissance that you didn't even suspect.

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