The Wolf Is There (Volume 1)

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Содержание книги - The Wolf Is There (Volume 1) Emily Evans

The Wolf Is There (Volume 1) - описание и краткое содержание, автор Emily Evans, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Who would suspect her under this perfect cover? The best trick is to look helpful and clean on oneself, a lesson learned the hard way in her youth … But beneath this, Rudy is a stripper at night and only climax when she does one thing… a murder. Who would suspect her under this perfect cover? The best trick is to look helpful and clean on oneself, a lesson learned the hard way in her youth … But beneath this, Rudy is a stripper at night and only climax when she does one thing… a murder.To this end, she uses her sexy figure and brings her victims to the climax. But the noose begins to tighten when a new man arrives in his wake and the tracks multiply … This book is the 1st volume of the series ”The Wolf is there”. This erotic dark romance is not suitable for all readers.

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