How Hard Can It Be? The World According Clarkson Volume Four

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Год издания: 2019
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Содержание книги - How Hard Can It Be? The World According Clarkson Volume Four Кларксон Джереми, Clarkson Jeremy

How Hard Can It Be? The World According Clarkson Volume Four - описание и краткое содержание, автор Кларксон Джереми, Clarkson Jeremy, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Jeremy Clarkson had a dream. A world where the nonsensical made sense, the idiotic was abolished and the sheer bloody brilliant was embraced. In How Hard Can It Be? our hero embarks on a quest to set the world to rights. Again.En-route he discovers how rhubarb will become the new crack, that a comb over will end anyone's quest for global domination and what unites a Filipino chambermaid in Abergavenny with Prince Andrew.For anyone who's ever woken up and thought the time has come to stop the nonsense and celebrate the sensational, read on. Because seriously, how hard can it be?Jeremy Clarkson began his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. He now writes for the Sun and the Sunday Times and is the tallest person working in British television.

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