Black Hammer Volume 5: Reborn Part One

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Год издания: 2022
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Содержание книги - Black Hammer Volume 5: Reborn Part One Lemire J.

Black Hammer Volume 5: Reborn Part One - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lemire J., читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Eisner Award-winning superhero saga returns in this ongoing series picking up twenty years later with new series artist Caitlin Yarsky.
In 1986, Black Hammer and the rest of Spiral Citys greatest superheroes seemingly died defeating the cosmic despot known as Anti-God and saving the world. But one woman refused to believe they were truly gone: Lucy Weber, the daughter of Black Hammer. Learning that her dad had sacrificed himself to save the other heroes, Lucy soon took up the mantle of Black Hammer and carried on the legacy of her father as the worlds greatest superhero.
Now, its twenty years later, and Lucy, and the world, have moved on. Living in the suburbs of Spiral City, Lucy is married and has children. But all is not blissful. Her marriage is falling apart, her job has reached a dead end, and for mysterious reasons, she hasnt picked up the hammer in years. But, as her domestic life begins to crumble, the secrets of the last twenty years, and the reasons Lucy really gave up being Black Hammer, begin to resurface, threatening her family, and the peace she has tried hard to find for herself.
Black Hammer: Reborn is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe; a twelve-issue series by Jeff Lemire and Caitlin Yarsky that juxtaposes an achingly human story of domestic life, marriage, parenthood, and destiny with a pulse-pounding superhero thriller that peels back new layers of mystery, and pulls the Black Hammer history into the present.

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