Fizzlebert Stump and the Girl Who Lifted Quite Heavy Things

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Год издания: 2020
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Содержание книги - Fizzlebert Stump and the Girl Who Lifted Quite Heavy Things Harrold A. F.

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'Once, and once only, there was a boy whose name was Fizzlebert.' Fizzlebert Stump lives in a circus and it's the great Circus of Circuses competition, but Fizzlebert Stump has no act. He's no longer the Boy Who Puts His Head In The Lion's Mouth (the lion retired) and putting his head in a crocodile's mouth instead didn't work out for some reason. Can Fizz find a new act in time?

A story of circus rivalry, learning who you really are, and the problem of oddly shaped vegetables. Brilliantly bonkers and perfect for fans of Mr Gum and Lemony Snicket.

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