The Naughtiest Girl Again

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In Enid Blyton’s highly popular school series, Elizabeth Allen is at boarding school. She’s tried being the naughtiest pupil there’s ever been. But could she be just as successful at being good?

In book two, Elizabeth Allen – once the naughtiest girl at Whyteleaf School – is trying to mend her ways. There are so many friends to make when she makes the effort. But not everyone is so kind. Someone wants to spoil things for Elizabeth and they’re not going to let her forget how she got her nickname!

Between 1940 and 1952, Enid Blyton wrote four novels about Naughtiest Girl, Elizabeth Allen. Books 5-10 are authorised sequels of the series written by Anne Digby in 1999.

Bonus material:
A rare, complete serial story about a very special school.
An interview with Enid Blyton about her school days.
Enid Blyton’s experiences as a teacher.
A timeline of the author’s life.
Photos from Enid Blyton’s younger days.

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