Stages of Meditation

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Содержание книги - Stages of Meditation Dalai Lama

Stages of Meditation - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dalai Lama, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Dalai Lama's landmark book on meditation, including information on how to meditate and why meditation is beneficial – now available in paperback

In Stages of Meditation, His Holiness offers his highly practical views on the subject of meditation: how to meditate, the various different procedures and approaches we can take, what we and others may gain from it. He explains how we can develop a spiritual path in a proper sequence rather than in a scattered, piecemeal fashion. He also shows the importance of building up both method and wisdom, as well as cultivating compassion and 'special insight' as we train our minds.

This impressive and stimulating book will not only bring the Dalai Lama - one of the world's most popular and pragmatic spiritual leaders - to a huge new audience but, because so many people round the globe are now practising meditation, from a basis of religious faith or none, this is a work which will doubtless be in print for many years to come.

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