Morphing: A Guide to Mathematical Transformations for Architects

Здесь можно скачать "Morphing: A Guide to Mathematical Transformations for Architects", год 2015 в формате fb2 полную версию бесплатно без регистрации и SMS, а также читать онлайн книгу на сайте ПараКниг (

Год издания: 2015
Серия: Librarium
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Содержание книги - Morphing: A Guide to Mathematical Transformations for Architects

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Cylinders, spheres and cubes are a small handful of shapes that can be defined by a single word. However, most shapes cannot be found in a dictionary. They belong to an alternative plastic world defined by trigonometry: a mathematical world where all shapes can be described under one systematic language and where any shape can transform into another. This visually striking guidebook clearly and systematically lays out the basic foundation for using these mathematical transformations as design tools. It is intended for architects, designers, and anyone with the curiosity to understand the link between shapes and the equations behind them.

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