Ecological Buildings: New Strategies for Sustainable Architecture

Здесь можно скачать "Ecological Buildings: New Strategies for Sustainable Architecture", год 2021 в формате fb2 полную версию бесплатно без регистрации и SMS, а также читать онлайн книгу на сайте ПараКниг (

Год издания: 2021
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As opposed to a decade ago, when ecological architecture was still often considered a luxury, it has now become practically impossible to build without considering sustainability issues. Ecological balance aspects have become a crucial part of the planning and construction process. In recent years especially, a canon of standard methods and possibilities has emerged to successfully implement environmentally friendly architecture. However, there are architects whose ideas and techniques for sustainable buildings go even beyond the recently established, sometimes mandatory, standards. This publication discusses such new and innovative ecological construction solutions. The author presents projects from all over the world that rise above the standard measures and concepts to point the way to the future.

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