The Mountain's Shadow

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Год издания: 2013
Полная версия книги
Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - The Mountain's Shadow Dominic Cecilia

The Mountain's Shadow - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dominic Cecilia, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Some mistakes can literally come back to bite you.

First it was ADD. Then pediatric bipolar. Now the hot behavioral disorder in children is CLS, or Chronic Lycanthropy Syndrome. Public health researcher Joanie Fisher was closing in on the cause in hopes of finding a treatment until a lab fire and an affair with her boss left her without a job.

When her grandfather leaves her his multimillion-dollar estate in the Ozarks, though, she figures her luck is turning around. Except her inheritance comes with complications: town children who disappear during full moons, an irresistible butler, and a pack of werewolves who can't seem to decide whether to frighten her or flirt with her.

Joanie's research is the key to unraveling the mysteries of Wolfsbane Manor. However, resuming her work means facing painful truths about her childhood, which could result in the loss of love, friendship, and the only true family she has left.

Warning: Some sexy scenes, although nothing explicit, and adult language. Also alcohol consumption and food descriptions that may wreck your diet.

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