The Official Cambrige Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training. Student's Book +DVD

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Год издания: 2014
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Содержание книги - The Official Cambrige Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training. Student's Book +DVD Cullen Pauline, French Amanda, Jakeman Vanessa

The Official Cambrige Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training. Student's Book +DVD - описание и краткое содержание, автор Cullen Pauline, French Amanda, Jakeman Vanessa, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Student`s book with answers.
Cambridge English bring you this definitive guide, from our team of highly respected and experienced writers. It is packed with the solid advice you need to achieve your desired band at IELTS. Practical and easy to use, it focusses on the language and skills you need to perform with confidence. Your IELTS journey couldn't have a better guide.
What is in this guide?
- Separate sections focussing on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking
- 8 official practice tests from Cambridge English
- DVD-ROM with MP3 listening files and speaking test videos
How does this guide help me?
- Understand the features and format of the exam
- Learn what you need to know to improve your score
- Improve language and test skills at your own pace
- Identify where you need extra practice and what practice you need to do
- Develop writing strategies by comparing model answers
- Work skill by skill with exam-type items at all times
- Practise the exam with 8 complete tests
- Take the exam with added confidence knowing you are well prepared
What is IELTS?
- The world's leading English language test for higher education and global migration, accepted by over 10,000 organisations worldwide with more than 3,5 million tests taken each year
- Two possible versions: Academic and General - prepare for either with this guide
- Tests across four skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - with results reflecting your real life use of English
- Uses a unique 9-band scale providing the leading exam score which accurately pinpoints your level of English
DVD-ROM system requirements:
- DVD-ROM drive
- Adobe Flash Player I 1.2+
- Apple Quicktime
- Web browser: Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome, Firefox I I + or Safari

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