Strange the Dreamer

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Год издания: 2018
Полная версия книги


Содержание книги - Strange the Dreamer Taylor Laini

Strange the Dreamer - описание и краткое содержание, автор Taylor Laini, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Sunday Times bestseller
'Laini Taylor set my imagination on fire so hard that it spontaneously combusted . . . This is the kind of story that paves dreams' - Roshani Chokshi, author of The Star Touched Queen
'5*s: This whimsical and diverse tale reads like a dream' - Heat

The dream chooses the dreamer.
Since he was five years old, Lazlo Strange has been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to go in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself - in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever.
What happened in Weep to cut it off from the world? What did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving?
The answers await in Weep, but so do many more mysteries - including the blue-skinned goddess who visits Lazlo's dreams . . .

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