Solo. A James Bond Novel

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Год издания: 2014
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Содержание книги - Solo. A James Bond Novel Boyd William

Solo. A James Bond Novel - описание и краткое содержание, автор Boyd William, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

It is 1969 and James Bond is about to go solo, recklessly motivated by revenge.

A seasoned veteran of the service, 007 is sent to single-handedly stop a civil war in the small West African nation of Zanzarim. Aided by a beautiful accomplice and hindered by the local militia, he undergoes a scarring experience which compels him to ignore M’s orders in pursuit of his own brand of justice. Bond’s renegade action leads him to Washington, D.C., where he discovers a web of intrigue and witnesses fresh horrors.

Even if Bond succeeds in exacting his revenge, a man with two faces will come to stalk his every waking moment.

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