The Odd Fish

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Год издания: 2022
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Содержание книги - The Odd Fish Jones Naomi

The Odd Fish - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jones Naomi, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A warm and funny eco-adventure with a clever message about looking after our blue planet, perfect for budding David Attenboroughs!

When Little Fish and her family encounter an odd new fish bobbing along on its own, they embark on an exciting journey to reunite it with its family.

But Odd Fish isn’t the only creature who needs Little Fish’s help. Turtle has a tummy ache and Octopus’s tentacles are tangled. Clever readers will spot the one thing that links them all . . . plastic.

Maybe Odd Fish doesn’t belong in the sea after all?

Eight million tonnes of plastic find their way into our oceans and rivers every year. That’s equal to dumping one rubbish truck every minute into the sea!

This urgent problem is highlighted for the youngest readers with gentle humour and engaging characters, and offers practical ways we we can all make a real difference to protect our oceans and the creatures that live in them, and opens up key discussions about the environment and the topical issues highlighted in David Attenborough's Blue Planet.

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