Shallow Graves (м) Wallace

Здесь можно скачать "Shallow Graves (м) Wallace", год 2018 в формате fb2 полную версию бесплатно без регистрации и SMS, а также читать онлайн книгу на сайте ПараКниг (

Год издания: 2018
Полная версия книги


Содержание книги - Shallow Graves (м) Wallace

Shallow Graves (м) Wallace - описание и краткое содержание, автор , читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

When seventeen-year-old Breezy Lin wakes up in a shallow grave one year after her death, she doesn’t remember who killed her or why. All she knows is that she’s somehow conscious — and not only that, she’s able to sense who around her is hiding a murderous past. In life, Breezy was always drawn to the elegance of the universe and the mystery of the stars. Now she must set out to discover whatever is to become of her in the gritty, dangerous world to which she now belongs — where killers hide in plain sight, and a sinister cult is hunting for strange creatures like her.

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