The Single Girl's To-Do List

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Год издания: 2021
Полная версия книги


Содержание книги - The Single Girl's To-Do List Kelk Lindsey

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Rachel Summers loves a to-do list: boyfriend, flat, great job.

Not on the list: being dumped.

Best friends Emelie and Matthew ride to her rescue with an entirely new kind of list - The Single Girl's To-Do List. Rachel doesn't know it, but it will take her on all kinds of wild adventures - and get her in some romantic pickles too. And then it won't be a case of what but who she decides to tick off: Mr. bendy yoga instructor, Mr. teenage sweetheart, Mr. persistent ex, Mr. deeply unsuitable.

The Single Girl's To-Do List gives Rachel the perfect heartbreak cure - and proves love is out there if you're willing to take a chance.

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