Nobody But You

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Год издания: 2016
Полная версия книги


Содержание книги - Nobody But You Shalvis Jill

Nobody But You - описание и краткое содержание, автор Shalvis Jill, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

What the best way to heal a broken heart?

Finally free of her cheating ex-husband, Sophie's escaped with his most precious possession - his boat - and not much else. It's the perfect revenge...if only she wasn't quite so seasick all the time.

What she really needs is a free place to moor so she can start getting on with her life, and by an empty lakeside cabin seems just the spot. Only it's no longer uninhabited. Jacob Kincaid, Army Special Forces officer, has returned, craving Cedar Ridge's tranquillity to help him make peace with his own past.

Sophie and Jacob agree they aren't looking for anything but comfort as long as their mutual desire lasts. Yet as their bond deepens, might it be that their attraction is the kind that actually lasts for ever?

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