Eight Princesses and a Magic Mirror

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Год издания: 2019
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Содержание книги - Eight Princesses and a Magic Mirror Farrant Natasha

Eight Princesses and a Magic Mirror - описание и краткое содержание, автор Farrant Natasha, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Here are eight princesses for the Rebel Girls generation: bold, empowered, full of curiosity, adventure and determined to be true to themselves. Natasha Farrant's original stories are set in different times all around the world, blending modern and traditional storytelling with glowing full colour illustrations by debut artist Lydia Corry in a glorious gift book.

'Mirror, mirror on the wall... what makes a princess excellent?' An enchantress flings her magic mirror into our universe. Reflected in it are princesses who refuse to be pretty, polite or obedient. Through the centuries and around the world these girls are fierce, brave, and determined to do the rescuing themselves.

The desert princess protects her people from the king with the black and gold banner. The forest princess takes a crocodile for a pet. An island princess explores the high seas. A mountain princess puts kindness above being royal. And in a tower-block in a city, Princess saves her community garden from the hands of urban developers.

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