Neon and The Unicorn Hunters

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Год издания: 2023
Полная версия книги


Содержание книги - Neon and The Unicorn Hunters Pounder Sibeal

Neon and The Unicorn Hunters - описание и краткое содержание, автор Pounder Sibeal, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Dive back into the UNIverse with Neon for another goo-tastic adventure from Sibeal Pounder, the bestselling author of the Witch Wars and Bad Mermaids series

Now a fully-fledged unicorn (no, not the horse kind, the ultra-powerful human-looking kind), Neon Gallup is LOVING her secret double life in the extraordinary UNIverse, creating goo-powered magic and going on adventures with her unicorn friends.

Little does she know that she has been spotted opening a portal by none other than the neighbourhood unicorn hunter, Priscilla. Now that she's seen Neon's portal opener, Priscilla is determined to steal it and destroy unicorns once and for all.

With the unicorn hunters closing in on all sides, will Neon discover the sinister plot in time to save the day once again?

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