Чтобы просматривать контент на этой странице, необходимо подтвердить свой возраст.
Вам уже есть 18 лет?
Кто утверждает, что богатым наследницам открыты все двери - нагло врет. В один прекрасный момент эти самые двери могут как следует хлопнуть по лбу.
Знала ли я, затевая магическую дуэль, что окажусь на крайнем севере, среди снегов и рудников? Разумеется, нет.
Предполагала ли, что буду вынуждена работать на кухне? Никогда.
Но уж для кого мой приезд стал настоящим шоком, так это для группы горняков, что жили себе мирно, работали и горя не знали. И угораздило этого Уилла попасться мне под руку. Попался он, а попали все, ибо доверить мясное меню вегетарианке - просто отвратительная идея.
Чтобы оставить свою оценку и/или комментарий, Вам нужно войти под своей учетной записью или зарегистрироваться
Пока никто не оставил цитат из этой книги...
Автор | Ольга Пашнина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Фантастика, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Год | 2014 |
Автор | Ольга Пашнина |
Жанр | Современная проза, Фэнтези, Проза, Короткие любовные романы, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези, Любовные романы |
Автор | Ольга Пашнина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Городское фэнтези, Фантастика |
Год | 2014 |
Автор | Ольга Пашнина |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Год | 2012 |
Автор | Ольга Пашнина |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Ольга Пашнина |
Жанр | Фэнтези, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Лори Хэндленд |
Жанр | Ужасы, Любовная фантастика, Фантастика |
Год | 2005 |
Автор | Татьяна Шульгина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Фантастика, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Татьяна Шульгина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Фантастика, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Татьяна Шульгина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Фантастика, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Татьяна Шульгина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Фантастика, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
Автор | Татьяна Шульгина |
Жанр | Любовная фантастика, Фэнтези, Фантастика, Мистика Фантастика Фэнтези |
1 x Application (98.28%) | 1.36s |
1 x Booting (1.68%) | 23.24ms |
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select * from `books` where `public` = 1 and `title` = 'Стейк для темного бога' and MATCH (author) AGAINST ('\"Пашнина Ольга\"') order by `num_downloads` desc limit 1
21.07ms/app/Traits/HasCanonical.php:17paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | public,public_date,public_year,title,title_2,author |
key | title |
key_len | 768 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 5.554995536804199 |
Extra | Using where; Using filesort |
select `blocked` from `books` where `id` = 418309 limit 1
290μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:84paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | const |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | null |
select * from `impressions` where `impressions`.`book_id` = 418309 and `impressions`.`book_id` is not null and `public` = 1 order by `created_at` desc limit 5
870μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:150paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `impressions` (SIMPLE)
111Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | impressions |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | impressions_book_id_index |
key | impressions_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 11 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where; Using filesort |
select * from `users` where `users`.`id` in (1978, 18139, 19859, 20567, 22254)
980μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:150paraknigMetadata | |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `users` (SIMPLE)
51Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | users |
partitions | null |
type | range |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | null |
rows | 5 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `like_counter` where `type_id` = 'like' and `like_counter`.`likeable_id` in (6711, 6854, 7190, 12665, 15305) and `like_counter`.`likeable_type` = 'App\Impression'
440μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:150paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `like_counter` (SIMPLE)
51Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | like_counter |
partitions | null |
type | range |
possible_keys | like_counter_unique,like_counter_likeable_id_likeable_type_index |
key | like_counter_unique |
key_len | 772 |
ref | null |
rows | 5 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index condition |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 418309 and `is_duplicate` = 0
330μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:207paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
21Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 2 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select count(*) as aggregate from `books` inner join `book_genre` on `books`.`id` = `book_genre`.`book_id` where `book_genre`.`genre_id` = 12085
84.64ms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Traits/ForwardsCalls.php:23paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
286341Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | genre_id_book_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 28634 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.book_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
select `books`.*, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id`, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id` from `books` inner join `book_genre` on `books`.`id` = `book_genre`.`book_id` where `book_genre`.`genre_id` = 12085 and `public` = 1 and `num_downloads` > 100 and `id` = '159252' limit 1
600μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:216paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | const |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,num_downloads,public,public_date,public_year |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | null |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | genre_id_book_id |
key_len | 8 |
ref | const,const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using where; Using index |
select * from `guest_impressions` where `book_id` = 418309
170μs/app/Http/Controllers/BooksController.php:220paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `guest_impressions` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | guest_impressions |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_idx |
key | book_id_idx |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | null |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 418309 and `is_duplicate` = 0
540μs/app/Book.php:163paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `liters` where `liters`.`id` = 418309 and `liters`.`id` is not null limit 1
470μsview::books.view:113paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `liters` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | liters |
partitions | null |
type | const |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | null |
select * from `impressions` where `impressions`.`book_id` = 418309 and `impressions`.`book_id` is not null order by `created_at` desc
410μs/app/Book.php:947paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `impressions` (SIMPLE)
111Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | impressions |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | impressions_book_id_index |
key | impressions_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 11 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using filesort |
select * from `users` where `users`.`id` in (1978, 10170, 11030, 12681, 12774, 16709, 17255, 18139, 19859, 20567, 22254)
1.31ms/app/Book.php:947paraknigMetadata | |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `users` (SIMPLE)
111Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | users |
partitions | null |
type | range |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | null |
rows | 11 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `like_counter` where `type_id` = 'like' and `like_counter`.`likeable_id` in (6376, 6380, 6390, 6413, 6512, 6610, 6711, 6854, 7190, 12665, 15305) and `like_counter`.`likeable_type` = 'App\Impression'
330μs/app/Book.php:947paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `like_counter` (SIMPLE)
111Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | like_counter |
partitions | null |
type | range |
possible_keys | like_counter_unique,like_counter_likeable_id_likeable_type_index |
key | like_counter_unique |
key_len | 772 |
ref | null |
rows | 11 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index condition |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 418309 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
430μsview::books.view.download:86paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `related_coollib_book_id` from `coollib_book_import` where `local_book_id` = 418309 limit 1
660μs/app/Book.php:716paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `coollib_book_import` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | coollib_book_import |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | local_book_id |
key | local_book_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | null |
select count(*) as aggregate from `books` inner join `author_book` on `books`.`id` = `author_book`.`book_id` where `author_book`.`author_id` = 920
1.45ms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Traits/ForwardsCalls.php:23paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
681Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | author_id_book_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 68 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.book_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using where; Using index |
select `books`.*, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id`, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id` from `books` inner join `author_book` on `books`.`id` = `author_book`.`book_id` where `author_book`.`author_id` = 920 and `public` = 1 and `books`.`id` <> 418309 limit 6
770μs/app/Author.php:195paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
681Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | author_id_book_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 68 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,public,public_date,public_year |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.book_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99995422363281 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 148198 and `is_duplicate` = 0
250μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 148198 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
200μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 148198 and `is_duplicate` = 0
210μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 148199 and `is_duplicate` = 0
260μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
61Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 6 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 148199 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
210μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 148199 and `is_duplicate` = 0
230μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 148200 and `is_duplicate` = 0
320μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 148200 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
280μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 148200 and `is_duplicate` = 0
280μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 148201 and `is_duplicate` = 0
290μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
21Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 2 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 148201 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
240μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 148201 and `is_duplicate` = 0
240μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 148202 and `is_duplicate` = 0
250μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
21Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 2 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 148202 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
230μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 148202 and `is_duplicate` = 0
240μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 148203 and `is_duplicate` = 0
260μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
21Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 2 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 148203 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
230μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 148203 and `is_duplicate` = 0
240μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select count(*) as aggregate from `books` inner join `book_genre` on `books`.`id` = `book_genre`.`book_id` where `book_genre`.`genre_id` = 12085
94.25ms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Traits/ForwardsCalls.php:23paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
286341Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | genre_id_book_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 28634 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.book_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
select `books`.*, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id`, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id` from `books` inner join `book_genre` on `books`.`id` = `book_genre`.`book_id` where `book_genre`.`genre_id` = 12085 and `public` = 1 and `books`.`id` <> 418309 limit 6
1.35ms/app/Genre.php:112paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
226201Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | range |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | genre_id_book_id |
key_len | 8 |
ref | null |
rows | 22620 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using where; Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `books` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | books |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,public,public_date,public_year |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.book_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99995422363281 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 147089 and `is_duplicate` = 0
220μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
31Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 3 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 147089 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
200μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 147089 and `is_duplicate` = 0
220μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 147106 and `is_duplicate` = 0
210μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 147106 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
160μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 147106 and `is_duplicate` = 0
170μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 147107 and `is_duplicate` = 0
200μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 147107 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
170μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 147107 and `is_duplicate` = 0
190μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 147108 and `is_duplicate` = 0
200μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 147108 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
170μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 147108 and `is_duplicate` = 0
170μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 147109 and `is_duplicate` = 0
210μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 147109 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
180μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 147109 and `is_duplicate` = 0
190μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
select `genres`.*, `book_genre`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `book_genre`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `book_genre` on `genres`.`id` = `book_genre`.`genre_id` where `book_genre`.`book_id` = 147110 and `is_duplicate` = 0
220μsview::books.book:14paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_genre` (SIMPLE)
41Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_genre |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | genre_id_book_id,book_id_genre_id |
key | book_id_genre_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 4 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `genres` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | genres |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.book_genre.genre_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 10 |
Extra | Using where |
select * from `book_files` where `book_files`.`book_id` = 147110 and `book_files`.`book_id` is not null and `is_downloadable` = 1
190μs/app/Book.php:1206paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `book_files` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | book_files |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_files_book_id_index,book_files_is_downloadable_index |
key | book_files_book_id_index |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 50 |
Extra | Using where |
select `authors`.*, `author_book`.`book_id` as `pivot_book_id`, `author_book`.`author_id` as `pivot_author_id` from `authors` inner join `author_book` on `authors`.`id` = `author_book`.`author_id` where `author_book`.`book_id` = 147110 and `is_duplicate` = 0
210μs/app/Book.php:235paraknigMetadata | |
Bindings |
Hints |
Backtrace |
- EXPLAIN #1: `author_book` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | author_book |
partitions | null |
type | ref |
possible_keys | book_id_author_id,author_id_book_id |
key | book_id_author_id |
key_len | 4 |
ref | const |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 100 |
Extra | Using index |
- EXPLAIN #1: `authors` (SIMPLE)
11Metadata | |
id | 1 |
select_type | SIMPLE |
table | authors |
partitions | null |
type | eq_ref |
possible_keys | PRIMARY,is_duplicate |
key | PRIMARY |
key_len | 4 |
ref | paraknig.author_book.author_id |
rows | 1 |
filtered | 49.99987030029297 |
Extra | Using where |
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