Jennifer Worth came from a sheltered background when she became a midwife in the Docklands in the 1950s. The conditions in which many women gave birth just half a century ago were horrifying, not only because of their grimly impoverished surroundings, but also because of what they were expected to endure. But while Jennifer witnessed brutality and tragedy, she also met with amazing kindness and understanding, tempered by a great deal of Cockney humour. She also earned the confidences of some...
This final book in Jennifer Worth's memories of her time as a midwife in London's East end brings her story full circle. As always there are heartbreaking stories such as the family devastated by tuberculosis and a ship's woman who 'serviced' the entire crew, as well as plenty of humour and warmth, such as the tale of two women who shared the same husband! Other stories cover backstreet abortions, the changing life of the docklands, infanticide, as well as the lives of...
Jennifer Worth came from a sheltered background when she became a midwife in the Docklands in the 1950s. The conditions in which many women gave birth just half a century ago were horrifying, not only because of their grimly impoverished surroundings, but also because of what they were expected to endure. But while Jennifer witnessed brutality and tragedy, she also met with amazing kindness and understanding, tempered by a great deal of Cockney humour. She also earned the confidences of some...
Järjes raamatule „Kutsuge ämmaemand“ jätkab East Endis põetajana töötanud Jennifer Worth lugudega 1950ndate Londoni vaeste elust-olust ja neist, kellele ei pakkunud elu muud võimalust kui parandusmaja, kuid kes ennast sellest hoolimata välja rabelesid. Siin on lugu Jane’ist, kes Nonnatuse majas koristas: tema sattus parandusmajja juba imikueas ja oli oletatavasti aristokraadi vallaslaps. Peggy ja Franki vanemad surid pooleaastase vahega ja lapsed jäid lageda taeva alla … Kõik need lood annavad...
Jennifer Worthi inspireeris seda raamatut kirjutama ühe uurimistöö autori soov, et kunagi kirjutaks keegi ämmaemandatest nii nagu James Herriot loomaarstidest. „Ämmaemand viibib iga sünni juures, ta on selle keskel, näeb kõike.“ St. Raymund Nonnatuse nunnadega koos töötades kogetud uskumatult liigutavaid, kurbi ja lõbusaid lugusid, mis elustavad 1950ndate East Endi, saadab värvikas kokni huumor. Raamatu järgi on loodud populaarne telesari „Kutsuge ämmaemand“ (2012, BBC).