Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies

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Содержание книги - Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies Jason Vale

Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jason Vale, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

The No.1 bestselling juicing author Jason Vale is back with his ultimate book of juices and smoothies. His complete recipe book contains recipes for over 100 easy and delicious juices and smoothies to help you lose weight, get healthy and feel fantastic.Jason Vale, the inspirational king of juice detoxing and the man who helped Jordan lose 2 stone in 3 months, has compiled his definitive selection of over 100 simple but delicious, low-fat juice and smoothie recipes.Keeping it Simple has the perfect juice or smoothie, whether you want to slim down, get healthy or just need a little juice-boost pick-me-up on a rainy day. With Jason's motivational tips and unique '3-Day Super Juice Detox' programme you will not only clean your system, rid yourself of physical addictions and get extra energy, but you will also learn the fundamental Juicy Rules for a permanently slim, trim and healthy body.With a complete list of ailments that can be cured by each juice, and a full breakdown of all the minerals and nutrients contained in each recipe, this is the ultimate collection of juicing recipes for full health, extra energy and permanent weight loss.Includes:• Over 100 delicious recipes for juices and smoothies• Jason's slimming 3-Day Super Juice Detox• The Juice Master's Natural Pharmacy – juices for common ailments• Complete A-Z of fruit and veg – how specific vitamins and minerals help health and vitality• Kids Stuff – how to get your kids to drink fruit and vegetables and love them!

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