Little Wolf, Terror of the Shivery Sea

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Содержание книги - Little Wolf, Terror of the Shivery Sea Tony Ross, Ian Whybrow

Little Wolf, Terror of the Shivery Sea - описание и краткое содержание, автор Tony Ross, Ian Whybrow, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A sixth Little Wolf novel featuring this number one cub and pack of friends as they have the pirate adventure of a lifetime!Following the success of the Little Wolf series internationally plus the animated film shown at Christmas 2002, a sixth Little Wolf novel will be welcomed by his many fans. Featuring all Little Wolf’s friends – Yeller, Stubbs, Normus, and that pesky little brother Smellybreff in his sailor suit. Little Wolf is a pirate cheef [sic] in this new adventure, and he is after the treasure left by a long-lost relative: Blackfur the Backbiter. But a contemporary pirate called Cap’n Froshus is determined to find the treasure too and this Cap’n Froshus has eyes that hypnotise and a strange peppery smell. Could it Little Wolf’s old adversary Mr Twister the Fox – yo ho ho and a bobble of glug, it could be!Ian Whybrow’s inventiveness knows no bounds. He has managed to create another unique and hilarious adventure about Little Wolf, who now has millions of new fans [2.1million] through Channel 4 television’s broadcast at Christmas.

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