Little Wolf’s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors

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Содержание книги - Little Wolf’s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors Tony Ross, Ian Whybrow

Little Wolf’s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors - описание и краткое содержание, автор Tony Ross, Ian Whybrow, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A third Little Wolf novel told through letters. Little Wolf and friends are opening their new school where the lessons are Hunting for Gold by day and Haunting and Spooking by night.Uncle Bigbad, ‘him wot died of the jumping beanbangs’ and now a big bad ghost, is the star attraction of Haunted Hall School. The problem is that he will only turn up a) if it suits him and b) if there are enough baked beans in the cooking pot. Little Wolf and chums know that the ninth rule of Badness is NEVER trust a big bad wolf and our chums find out that you should NEVER, EVER trust a big bad DEAD wolf! Our cheeky little hero and his friends have to travel far and wide to find a brute beast brave enough to stand up to Uncle Bigbad, if their school is to survive. Enter Normus Bear, the latest recruit to the Little Wolf books who biffs and cuffs his way though this hilarious novel.

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