Stressed, Unstressed: Classic Poems to Ease the Mind

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Содержание книги - Stressed, Unstressed: Classic Poems to Ease the Mind Jonathan Bate, Paula Byrne, Sophie Ratcliffe, Andrew Schuman

Stressed, Unstressed: Classic Poems to Ease the Mind - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jonathan Bate, Paula Byrne, Sophie Ratcliffe, Andrew Schuman, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Can you be re-lit by poetry? This little book offers everyone one of the oldest of all remedies for stress: the reading of poetry.Intended to help you endure some of your stressful moments and painful experiences, these poems tell us we are not alone. Returned again and again over the centuries by great imaginations are love and death and memory – remembrance of childhood joy, of happy days and beautiful places, of loved ones we have lost or feeling at peace and at one with the natural world. ‘Stressed Unstressed’ harvests an array of poems on such themes in the hope that they will speak to you when you are processing your worries or when you simply want to fill your mind with different, more positive thoughts.Words can act as drugs, and on the bedside or in a waiting-room this little volume of poetry can help in all sorts of difficult circumstances. So here is a selection of new poems and old, enduring classics and forgotten gems. Next time you are feeling stressed or anxious, worried or sleepless, panicky or unable to cope, ‘Stressed Unstressed’ invites you to read a poem and join the thousands of others who have read and remembered and loved these poems – to form a very special community. This is bibliotherapy.

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