Emma’s Secret

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Содержание книги - Emma’s Secret Barbara Taylor Bradford

Emma’s Secret - описание и краткое содержание, автор Barbara Taylor Bradford, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

The book the fans have been waiting for: the much-anticipated sequel to the phenomenally successful A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE.The legendary Emma Harte, the heroine of A Woman of Substance, returns in this sweeping saga of power, corruption, love and secrets…Paula O'Neill, beloved granddaughter of Emma Harte and the guardian of her vast business empire, believes all that Emma left to the family is secure. However, beneath the surface tension is mounting and sibling rivalry brewing.Into this volatile mix walks Evan Hughes, a young American fashion designer. Her grandmother's dying wish was that Evan find Emma Harte. But Emma has been dead for thirty years…Troubled by Evan's presence, and her uncanny resemblance to the family, Paula turns to Emma's war-time diaries.Emma Harte comes vividly back to life. It is London during the Blitz. As bombs drop, sirens wail and her sons go off to war, Emma's trademark resilience, will power and strength all come to the fore. And as the pages unfurl, Paula discovers the secret Emma took to the grave.

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