Act of Will

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Содержание книги - Act of Will Barbara Taylor Bradford

Act of Will - описание и краткое содержание, автор Barbara Taylor Bradford, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

From the internationally bestselling author of A Woman of SubstanceThree generations of beautiful women and their journey from rags to richesAudra is an impoverished children’s nanny from Leeds who sacrificed everything for her only daughter.Christina is a talented art student who won world renown as a fashion designer – yet who has known pain and heartache.Kyle is a rebellious young woman who chafes against her mother’s success – and in whom her grandmother’s spirit of duty and sacrifice is reborn.Moving from the bleak Yorkshire Dales, through London, to the glamorous world of haute couture, this classic novel sparkles as it entertains.

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