Harvest Moon: A Tangled Web / Cast in Moonlight / Retribution

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Содержание книги - Harvest Moon: A Tangled Web / Cast in Moonlight / Retribution Michelle Sagara, Mercedes Lackey, Cameron Haley

Harvest Moon: A Tangled Web / Cast in Moonlight / Retribution - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Sagara, Mercedes Lackey, Cameron Haley, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

A Tangled Web by Mercedes LackeyKidnapping Persephone should have been easy. But in the Five Hundred Kingdoms, nothing's ever simple–and the wrong goddess is stolen by mistake, leaving Prince Leopold without his new bride. At least until he braves the realm of the dead to get her back…Cast in Moonlight by Michelle SagaraBarely a teenager, Kaylin Neya is a thief, fugitive and attempted assassin. She also has a smart mouth, sharp wits and mysterious markings on her skin. All of which make her perfect bait for a child prostitution sting in the city of Elantra–if she survives her first meeting with the Hawks! Retribution by Cameron Haley In the underworld, there are tricks to killing. Like executing rivals at crossroads so ghosts won't follow you home. But sometimes retribution is hard to avoid–and now a supernatural hit man has a contract on Domino Riley's life. Luckily she knows a thing or two about death…

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