Winter Moon: Moontide / The Heart of the Moon / Banshee Cries

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Содержание книги - Winter Moon: Moontide / The Heart of the Moon / Banshee Cries C.E. Murphy, Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee

Winter Moon: Moontide / The Heart of the Moon / Banshee Cries - описание и краткое содержание, автор C.E. Murphy, Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

New York Times bestselling author Mercedes Lackey In an isolated land where the lure of the «Moontide» leads to shipwrecks, a woman is torn between obeying her father or her king.When she chooses to follow a Fool, she discovers magic she'd never expected… at a price that might be too high…. World Fantasy award winner Tanith Lee Struggling under the curse of a dead comrade, Clirando, a warrior priestess unready to face the powers trapped within her, must face «The Heart of the Moon» to reveal what has been hidden….C.E. Murphy In «Banshee Cries,» ritual murders under a full moon lead Jo Walker to confront a Harbinger of Death. Maybe this «gift» she has is one she shouldn't ignore– because the next life she has to save might be her own!

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