Love's Revenge: The Italian's Revenge / A Passionate Marriage / The Brazilian's Blackmailed Bride

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Содержание книги - Love's Revenge: The Italian's Revenge / A Passionate Marriage / The Brazilian's Blackmailed Bride Michelle Reid

Love's Revenge: The Italian's Revenge / A Passionate Marriage / The Brazilian's Blackmailed Bride - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Reid, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Marriage Vito Giordani has never forgiven Catherine, his soon-to-be ex-wife, for leaving Italy with their baby boy. But now their son needs both his parents. Vito demands Catherine returns to Naples… Vito will finally have the revenge he’s been waiting for… of Greek tycoon Leandros Petronades’ marriage to Isobel crashed and burned after a year.Now, demanding to finalise the divorce so he can marry again, Leandros is shocked: their wild attraction is as strong as ever. Leandros vows to tame his headstrong wife…! Vengeance Anton Luis Scott-Lee will marry the woman who so callously rejected him years ago.His revenge will be sweet… Cristina Marques will be totally at Luis’s bidding – bought and paid for: a bride by blackmail!

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