The Marriage Bed: An Ideal Marriage? / The Marriage Campaign / The Bridal Bed

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Содержание книги - The Marriage Bed: An Ideal Marriage? / The Marriage Campaign / The Bridal Bed HELEN BIANCHIN

The Marriage Bed: An Ideal Marriage? / The Marriage Campaign / The Bridal Bed - описание и краткое содержание, автор HELEN BIANCHIN, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

An ideal marriage needs… commitment seduction desireWhen Gabbi married Benedict Nicols, it was the wedding of the decade. No one would guess Gabbi's secret heartache: that she loved her husband, but he saw her as a social accessory. Now, Gabbi has to fight to save her marriage and Benedict is definitely a man worth fighting for!Dominic Andrea oozed sex appeal and he wanted Francesca – badly. And he'd planned a very special campaign for winning her. It was all or nothing for Dominic, and he was going to pursue, charm and seduce Francesca relentlessly until she said yes!Suzanne was supposed to attend her mother’s wedding with her own fiancé – gorgeous Sloane! How could Suzanne admit the engagement was off? Sloane had a plan. For the weekend, they'd play the part of a happy, soon-to-be married couple – including sharing a suite!

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