Married For Convenience: Forgotten Husband / The Marriage Arrangement / The Husband Test

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Содержание книги - Married For Convenience: Forgotten Husband / The Marriage Arrangement / The Husband Test HELEN BIANCHIN

Married For Convenience: Forgotten Husband / The Marriage Arrangement / The Husband Test - описание и краткое содержание, автор HELEN BIANCHIN, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

These Marriages Were… Forgotten Arranged TestedThey said Alejandro Santanas was her husband… But Elise didn't feel married. Nor did she feel pregnant… An accident had destroyed all memory of the last few months for her and she couldn't remember pledging her heart and soul to this rich, gorgeous, formidably sophisticated stranger!Hannah's marriage to Miguel Santanas had given her a glamorous life. She ran her own business by day, and shared her bed with a passionate, sexy husband by night. Miguel was everything a woman could want, but love hadn’t been part of the deal!For months, Katrina has tried to forget she's still married to Nicos! She was convinced her sexy, property tycoon husband had an affair. Now Katrina can only gain control of the family business if she's reconciled with Nicos – for one, whole year!

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