Duty At What Cost?

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Содержание книги - Duty At What Cost? Michelle Conder

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When the Wolfe’s at the door…To protect Princess Ava de Veers, James Wolfe must keep his mind on the job.Having shared one passionate night with her, Wolfe knows exactly how wilful, independent – and sexy – she is.But he will separate his feelings for Ava from the task at hand. Wolfe is the most daring man Ava has ever met and he drives her crazy!Yet as the threat to her life escalates he’s the only man she can trust – and the only place she feels safe is in his arms.But she’s royalty, and Ava knows that duty always comes at a cost…‘An emotional rollercoaster throughout, Michelle builds this story brilliantly.’Ann, 39, Warwickwww.michelleconder.com

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