Living the Charade

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Содержание книги - Living the Charade Michelle Conder

Living the Charade - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Conder, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Falling for the façade… Miller Jacobs knows that professional success doesn’t always come easy, and she’s not afraid of hard work. But her flair for business can’t help with her latest problem – finding a fake boyfriend for a weekend away with her boss!Valentino Ventura, maverick of the motor racing world, is Miller’s polar opposite. Yet helping buttoned-up Miller let her hair down – and whatever else she wants! – is an irresistible temptation…especially when Tino gets under her ice-cool demeanour and discovers a woman as hot as one of his cars!‘I love Michelle’s style of writing; she really puts you inside the head of the characters.’ – Karen, Accounts Administrator, Port Talbot

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